31st BURN 424,749,197 KOM

Our April 2024 monthly report highlights the significant milestones accomplished in April 2024. This edition emphasizes pivotal initiatives like Social Engagement Burning, DxLock immolation, and offers a comprehensive overview of KOM liquidity across various exchanges.

🔥 Kommunitas marked a key moment in its journey with the 31st Token Burn, where 424,749,197 $KOM tokens, worth about 1,189,298 USDT, were burned.

💸 424,749,197 $KOM just taken out of supply forever, valued at 1,189,298 dollars at the time of this burn.

📝 This event is part of a series of strategic moves involving both Social Engagement and DxLock Burning. In this report, we'll dive into the details of these burns and their impacts on the token's supply.

💫 We'll also cover the variety of community activities that have driven this substantial burn. Join us as we explore Kommunitas approach to maintaining a sustainable and engaging token economy in this detailed April 2024 update.

🚀 This is part of our ongoing commitment to the deflationary mechanics of Kommunitas ecosystem. And we don't plan to stop!

📖 Dive into the full story with our latest update. Find out more here:

➡️ Proof of Social Engagement Burning:

➡️ Proof of DxLock Burning:

❤️‍🔥 Leave a like, retweet and mention to burn more KOM:

Last updated